Thursday, August 9, 2012

headed home

Flight is today!! Ill be home tomorrow and I can hardly believe it. Yesterday was really hard, saying good bye to everyone and most of all me sweet sweet baby rhino. I already miss him sooo much. I cant believe im leaving him. He is the sweetest most precious little creature who will always hold a special place in my heart, as well as everyone who I have grown so close to there. It was horrible saying good bye, how I am going to miss each and everyone of them.

The launch went great! Many people seemed to really like my speech, some were even brought to tears. I couldnt believe it. My baby was truly a star. He was great for all the press and put on a nice show, playing and showing how amazing he truly is. It was an overall great day, and please look on my facebook and go onto the Rhino Orphanage website and like their page please! They will also post more videos and articles of the day as they come out as well as I. My sweet boy is a star!!

I will see you all so soon and will post more later about the launch soon. Thank you all soooo much!