Monday, July 30, 2012

HIS BUM IS STILL IN!! So far so good. But he still hasn't taken a nice solid poo, so we will have to wait til then. That will be the moment of truth!

He's been a little stinker lately. Getting into everything! He keeps tearing down this covering to one of the snakes rooms. Ripping it straight  from the ceiling. He has been having a lot of fun with this big branch that is now in his enclosure. He loves picking it up with this horn and resting it on his head. Yesterday he had a field day with the hose. He used to have a salt lick in this enclosure but he was eating it a little too much so we took it out and just placed it right on the ground outside. That night was so funny. The giraffes found it. They loved it, but rhino was a little upset that he couldn't have it. So he would chase them all. He thinks he is so big and tough...behind his cage. The giraffes would run off but would come back. Rhino would walk off and wait until they came back, then he would stalk them. rhinos, they don't stalk, but I guess this little guy is confused. He put is head down, slowly would walk up, stop and hide behind this rock, then run at them. Oh man he had me in stitches. Such a cutie!

Rita and Sune came on saturday! It was so amazing to see them! They are just so great...hey Rita! haha But anyway, we had a really nice time with them. Riaan took us on a short game drive around to see the lions as well as Mike and NaNa the white rhino. It was a lot of fun! I miss them already and can't what to see them soon!!

My parents arrive in a few days and I can not wait! I am so excited to show them everything and everyone. It is going to be really nice having them here! I was told a few days ago that 2 of my baby duckies died. So sad! I didn't get to meet them, but at least there is still one! I can't wait to see it, and my sweet puppies!! and to see all my friends and family! Miss you all!!

Hope you all are enjoying the olympics!!


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Day!

Last night was a good night! He only had a little bit of diarrhea and thats it. I had a visitor come in as well. They have an African Wild Cat as kind of a pet. It lives outside, but is seriously the friendliest cat I have ever met. She climbed through the rafters and joined me in my bed with the rhino. She slept there all night with me. Silly kitty! I think she came in there because she loves me...or the fact that there is heater lights in there, human contact, and nice warm blankets. haha Why wouldn't she join? She stays clear of Rhino though. Every time he gets up to smell her, she runs. So funny. 

Today was the big day! Sutures are out and his bum is still in...touch wood! The issue will be when he passes faeces...yep that is how they spell it here. haha but so far so good. This adventure brought in the would crowd. The vet from the hospital came...Yohan...This man is seriously a mess and I love him to bits! Such a joker and I love it! The other vet for the orphanage, Pierre and his assistant, Gabby a vet who lives here know who is from Mexico and works with the orphanage who has been out of town until today, and her boyfriend, Karen, Arrie, Yolande, Lee, who actually runs the training school here and is a brilliant man. I have never met anyone who knows so much about the bush...even Arrie says so. Lee also has a couple books out and is traveling soon to the U.S. to have a meeting with The Smithsonian, National Geographic, and this guy who has the title "The Geographer." Pretty big deal! Basically everyone was there. It was a main event, and a successful one at that. Now all it needs todo is stay IN!!! 

Lee took Alan, Yolande, and I around showing us where to get the proper leaves for Rhino to eat. It was an great Botany lesson and enjoyed learning so much about him. Overall, today has been a good day. I am running on like 5 cups of coffee now and it is starting to wear off. I am now back in my room and I think now I will just relax. 

I miss and love you all! 


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hello All!

On Saturday Edwin left to go back to school and Karen returned from many rhino workshops. The rhino and I had a great day. He became really playful at one point and chased and chased me. Luckily this time poo wasn't being flung everywhere. We both got some good exercise. It is really great sitting there when all of a sudden Nyalla, Giraffe, and Warthog come up. During other seasons, they don't come up as much, but since its cold and dry the plants are not growing as much so they come up looking for more. The giraffe really crack me up. They are so curious. They  stand so still and just stare...and stare...and stare. Every once in a while rhino boy will run up, ears alert, staring right back. Too cute. It was also adorable as one huge giraffe is standing there staring at me, this very small baby nyalla is looking up at the giraffe like what in the world is wrong with this nyallas neck. Its just so precious.

A big group came by to see the rhino. Normally people are not allowed to come see him, but when I saw Arrie with them I knew it was ok. They were really great and sweet people. Really interested in the rhino. One woman cried as she walked away. Really nice people.

Sunday was another good day. He had a more firmer poo. We were so excited. Yolande and I laughed about how excited we got over poo. We played a lot and he got into a lot of things. I feel like maybe he's feeling a bit better because he is going constantly during the day and trying to get into everything. From chewing on the shade cloth to trying to find sand...which he always does...stinker. He has abscesses around his neck and are starting to spread to his back. They are a little nerve racking.

Monday Pierre, one of the vets, came by to take a look at the abscesses on mr. rhino. He believes that it started as a allergic reaction to one of his medications and then later became a bacteria and spread. Yesterday Alana and I were sitting with him talking and we hear the monkeys. They were coming into the rhino enclosure. We come out of his little room and see they have us surrounded. They were planning an attack, but we caught them. haha These monkeys are so naughty and curious. Alana and I were quite entertained chasing them off.

Tonight I have the night shift and tomorrow is the BIG DAY! Wednesday is the day that the sutures come out. We are so nervous, if his rectum comes out we are back to the beginning. So please keep the vet, and his posse that will be here, us and especially him in your thoughts and prayers.

I am also soooo excited for this weekend because Rita and Sune will be coming for one night! They are friends that we made at the animal hospital. I miss them so much and can't wait to see them and spend some time with them! Like I have said many times, the people here are truly amazing. So thoughtful and caring and a lot of fun. It is going to be hard leaving them. I am also excited for my parents to be here. It has been really funny because I have been asking everyone if there is anything that they want from the States. Some have said shampoo, others sweets that Alana and I have been talking about, but the one that took me off guard and still makes me laugh came from Pete. As soon as I asked he said COWBOY BOOTS! haha He has been searching for some and they are so expensive here. So stinking funny, so he is searching for the perfect ones. Man I am going to miss these people.

I do miss home. My ducks had babies everyone!!!! I am a grandma! haha 3 beautiful baby duckies! I am real sad that I have not gotten to meet them yet but they hatched! Also, my mom sends me pictures and videos of my baby girl Emma. One she sent when she had to go to the vet and I was sitting in the room with rhino, Alana and edwin, and I started tearing up. haha They thought I was so silly, but jeez it my Emma! and daisy was so cute and then hearing my moms voice, which I have not heard in so long just hit me. I also miss my friends and all of my family. I feel like I have been gone for soooo long. I am having a great time here but really can't wait to see everyone.

Love you all!


Friday, July 20, 2012

New Post

Just had a good night with my sweet boy! Diarrhea free until this morning. I got a work out this morning and Yolandi got a great laugh as MR. Rhino got a burst of ....moment of distraction, dad, Stevie Ray Vaughan just started playing on my iTunes...ok sorry back to the post, the little guy got a burst of energy and decided he was going to chase me around his enclosure. While doing so he is having diarrhea and slinging it everywhere with his tail. I'm seriously laughing while typing this, it was so funny. He had a great time playing. I can move a little better than him by cutting corners quickly, if it wasn't for that...haha... my legs might have been more black and blue. A few times we would switch and I would chase him. When I would hit him on the back he would turn quickly and come right after me. It was just like a modified game of tag. It was a great time, "[He's] my sweet little thing, [He's] my pride and joy." -Stevie Ray Vaughan. It was truly comical. We both thought that maybe he had settled down, so Yolandi decided to go ahead and try to clean his bum...but he ran. haha He is such a stinker. He does this often, so when we try to clean his bum or apply local anesthetic he runs from us and its a game of chase. So are seen cent over chasing him around his enclosure either with a dripping sponge or a glove on and medicine following every where he goes. He would stop, and we would quickly lift his tail, then there he goes again. Many people may think that these creatures are not the smartest animals in the world, but I can't stress enough this boy is smart and becoming to smart for his own good. He is constantly trying to chew on the shade cloth on the ground in this one spot. We put his water jug over it and he has now figured out how to move this water jug just enough so he can get that piece of cloth. He has such the personality.

The plan today was to remove the stitches, but like many times, plans have changed. Hopefully they will be removed next week. Things need to be just right. Please keep the little guy in your thoughts and prayers. We really don't want to be forced to have to do surgery. Pray his bum heals and once those sutures come out it STAYS IN!!!!!

Random funny story: Viewer's Discretion is Advised! They other day Rian came and picked me up. As I see him pulling up with the objects in the back of the vehicle which are coming into view. It was piles of dead, headless, and some skinned animals. Yes, it was rank. He had a wide smile on his face as he pulled in, because I'm sure my facial expression was priceless. I had to hold my hair because the wind as we were driving would have caused in to take a visit to the dead animal behind me. Rian had to lean up while driving due to one near his seat. I asked, "so whats all back there," his response still makes me laugh, "well the guy staring at me know..." well it wasn't really staring...since it had no head. HAHAHAHAHA it was so funny because its cut open neck was like right next to him. You really just had to be there. I told the story to Marietjie and others...I guess you had to be and really see it. Meghan, there was no precious Zebra!

I went in early yesterday and spent a lot of time with Marietjie. Let me just tell you these people here are truly fantastic. I wish I could bring them all home with me.

Well more news...I am staying a week longer. I now fly out August 9th. Please pass this message to Emily that she better not have that child until I get home. No if or buts about it. The reason I am staying longer is due to the fact...well there are many reasons...I don't want to leave these wonderful God sent people, I don't want to leave my precious rhino, and lastly the launch for the orphanage is coming up and I must be there, Pete said. I typed that in my best English accent so please read it as so. In all seriousness, my baby will be a star. There will be tons of media there and rich people. It will be quite the event with the whole world they have been this entire time, but this time they will actually be there, recording. Pete had asked me to speak. A 10 minute presentation along with Arrie, the orphanage owner, and Karen Trindler (Google her) the rhino expert that I have been working with. Oh geez was my response. I will be representing my little rhino and sharing my experience as an American coming here knowing very minimal about rhinos and poaching in general and how I have grown and my life changing experience. What's also really great news is that my parents are coming! YAY! They get to meet everyone, including the love of my life...that happens to be a rhino. I can't wait for them to get here!

Thank you all! I have discovered that posting the pictures are sucking me dry of internet so I am going to save it for after the launch when I can post pictures of the precious rhino!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012



Hello everyone! I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I ran out of internet and had to wait a while to be able to go buy some! Oh the things I take for granted back home! Like Trixie. Oh Trixie! I really miss my Honda Civic and how I have the freedom to drive places and not have to worry about getting a ride or being stranded somewhere. I miss Chick Fil a. Thats really sad...but I do. Also having constantly something to drink or eat, just having the freedom to go get something if you are out, here its important that I plan ahead. All these things, and much more, I take for granted at home, now I really appreciate them.

So the past few days. A few days ago I had the day shift. When I got there, it was a bit chilly but ok. We are trying to get him up and going because he would be up exploring if he was in the wild. He is a spoiled brat. He loves his nice warm lamps and comfy room. We joke and say he isn't a morning rhino. He likes to sleep in, which is fine by me, I like to sleep in too. After a lot of coaxing and pushing and shoving we finally got the big boy up! It was a hassle t get him out of the room, but as soon as we did we shut and locked his door. He did not appreciate that one bit. Starting ramming the door, me, and anything he could. After his black rhino temper tantrum he decided that since that isnt working he will try a different angle. He then started whining and rubbing his head gently against me. I said "listen buddy, trust me I would rather be nice and warm too but its for your own good." After a little more whines he finally gave in. Stubborn boy.

 So this might be a lithe weird but when you are caring and love such an animal things like I am about to say don't really matter...please don't think weird of me...but my sweet baby boy and I are relaxing in the sun and I notice something weird on his...private area. As I was was doing this the poor boy let loose some diarrhea. Well...then he decided the swing his tail...therefore flinging his poop right in my face...thank you so much boy. After I cleaned off the best I could I went to go take a sip of my drink. As I am chugging away I feel something hit my lip. I looked down and noticed there was a bee taking a swim! yuck! Soon after I decided to disinfect his room with a veterinary disinfectant. First I removed his mat. I guess he had pooed in there on his bed beforeI got there and no one noticed. Well I noticed as it swiped all over my clothes! Great! I then later continued cleaning. Scrubbing the walls from his poo that had gotten on there. He came in and helped. Watching me closely. I scrubbed the floors and also put fresh garbage bags over his bed.

During the day he had some diarrhea like usual, but other than that he played and sunned.

The next day I had the night shift. He had some more diarrhea and had a very upset stomach. He began to cry. He just couldn't get comfortable. So I went down and laid with him until he stopped crying and went to sleep. He is just like a human baby. That night was particularly cold and windy. So we snuggled and had a pretty good rest of the night. The next day we were busy trying to figure out how to stop the diarrhea and are also really nervous that he might have a stomach ulcer. He is drooling excessively and grinding and chewing a lot, which are signs of  a stomach ulcer, but good news the plan is to take his sutures out on friday. Thats going to be a crazy day. Everyone will be watching him so closely. Once I left him I desperately needed todo laundry. So I went to Pete and Lisa's house todo laundry. It was a really nice time spending time with Lisa. She is from Ireland. I love her accent. She is a great lady. Pete came home. Tyrone, who I spent some time with at the beginning stopped by with his wife and daughter. Seriously his daughter could be twins with my cousin Mack. I showed them a picture of him and they were amazed how similar they looked. We said Tyrone have you been to America recently. Haha but seriously they look so similar it was scary. They asked for me to stay for dinner and Pete made a delicious meal. Sausage where he cut down the middle, but not all the way through and we but cheese and onions in it. Seriously delicious. I had a great evening with them.

Yesterday I had the day shift with him again and had a pretty nice and peaceful day. Besides some diarrhea it was nice. Giraffe came really close and of course I went to check them out and take pictures. Beautiful.  Later I went along to feed Mike and Nana, the adult White Rhino, Nyala, Impala, and the Warthogs. These white rhinos are beautiful and so amazing. When I got out of the vehicle and went to the bag to get the other bag of food i get something sharp scrap my hip. I look down and there is Nyala bull walked by with his horns down. Ouch. It was really sharp and if he was attacking wow that would easily be a day ruiner. Luckily I just have a scratch, but I have to say its stinking cool. I poured some food in on of the food bowl things and he came back over. I could sit there and touch his horns and he just sat there. It was amazing. I walked around filling as many as I could so that they could spred out. The rhino couple thought they owned it all and went back and forth. Theses animals are so beautiful. Every single one. The warthogs on their knees trying to sneak as much food as they can with out being noticed. It was indescribable.

I miss you all! Thank you all for everything.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Another Good Day!

The little guy is doing much better. No more diarrhea so far. We were all discussing and came to the conclusion that it was probably a bacterial infection. Poor guy. Yesterday when he woke up, he was in such a great mood. Me started running around and playing. It was soooo cute. He was pushing his ball around with his head. Really was feeling much better. Even though I had the night shift, I stayed with Yolandi, an Employee of Arrie's. We had a great afternoon talking about yummy sweets. They don't have reese's! haha

Side note-here they have long lived milk. So in the stores, their milk sits on the shelves and it doesn't have to refrigerated until its open......isnt that weird? haha Alana and I talk about it all the time how weird it is, but it taste good, so no complaints. We just were a little apprehensive to try it at first. Also at the stores the eggs sit on the shelves as well. Isn't that crazy! South Africans are seriously addicted to their meat. Edwin, Arrie's nephew, walks up eating packaged bologna! They have dried meat that are a popular snack. I would put the name of the snacks...but spelling them is quite difficult, well one is biltong.

Back on track now. Rhino is doing much better, getting into mischief. Wants to get into the snake enclosure to get the sand in there, chews on the shade cloth, just wants to put everything in his mouth. Typical baby.

Yesterday, after I left, I went to the training school with Alana. The training school, don't know if I clarified, is a school where people can come and learn about the environment or learn to become a ranger to take people on game drives. It is a really cool place. Really great people. The students are great and of course JP is fantastic. He takes good care of Alana as well as myself, even though I am not staying there. Always giving us yummy chocolates and snacks and making sure we are well fed and comfortable. He is running it and doing a great job. You can tell he cares for the students. He loves to joke around but is serious when it comes to school work. Well we went on another game drive. It was a lot colder than the other night, but worth it. We came upon these subadult lions. They were just hanging out. One was chewing on a warthog leg, which later became a toy. One would set it down and the another would grab it and run, the others chasing. They were too young to hunt, but were in training. They were practicing on each other. Crouching down and sneaking up on each other, then pouncing. It was amazing to watch. Then we continued on and came up onto the 3 adult females and the huge male making his way over to them. We sat and watched them. JP said that usually the male lion is boisterous at that time of night and was guessing they were planning a hunt. Lions are pretty fast, run about 95 kph, but only in short spurts. So they rest around until it is time to hunt. While they were resting, we see the White Rhino bull making his rounds and marking his territory. He spots the lions and charges at them. Running them all off. What a site! I mean its amazing, lions will eat young rhino, but once they are bigger and have the priceless horn on their heads, who would mess with that, not these lions. The fled! We all laughed so hard. It was great. We followed the big cats. Now it was pitch black dark. They were beginning to set up position. We could not tell what they were after but knew they were setting up. Two lionesses went off far to the right, the other swung around. The plan, she would chase the prey right into the two waiting. We looked around with a spotlight, and saw some Impalas minding their own business. That must be their target. They, as well as we, patiently waited. The male lion started walking the middle of their whole operation. The lone lioness moved in and the impala ran right to wear the other lionesses were...supposed to be. They kept moving. Operation fail. They can't get them all. Even though we didn't get to see the kill it was still really cool to see them set it up. The drive was nice because the woman who writes the tests for the school, her mother and her son went along for the ride. The boy was such a flirt. He laid on Alana's lap. Too stinking cute.

After the drive we went back and had dinner with the students and then headed back. It was a great day. Miss everyone though and wish everyone was here with me. Thank you for everything.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Yesterday I got to go along with Rian (haha not RianD, Rita)  and other workers to go feed the big cats. I was so excited. They pull up and where do I get to ride? OH YEAH! with the food...haha pee yew! The guy sitting  with me in the back says (if you have a queazy stomach you might not want to read the next few sentences! ) "Watch out for that one, its about to burst!" I said what?!!! He was talking about the...what he says was a zebra (sorry Meghan!) It was really nice and bloated and one wrong bump or touch, its insides were goining to burst! I was like, Oh great! Thats exactly what I want to happen. Have guts blown up in my face.  But we reached one of the lion's islands in time and it didn't burst, luckily! Phew! We rode around to the next island of 2 lions. Ma Pim Pan, Which is Arrie's boy. His name means little one, because when they got him he was....well a little one. On the reserve, Ma pim pan's uncle fought Ma pim pan's father for the thrown, which happened all the time. Unfortunately, this time the uncle won. (He is the Lion at the bottom of the pictures below sitting in the trees.) Well, to get the lioness to get back into heat, he kills her cubs. This includes Ma Pim Pan. He was brutally injured, but as a still blind young cub somehow he managed to make to the road where someone found him. He then was under the care of Arrie, lucky lion. Now he is huge and hasn't had human contact in years. Hopefully ready to release into the reserve in a few more years. They have to feed him and his girlfriend separately because he is a brat. They would normally give them 2 pieces but in the same area, but Ma Pim Pan takes hers, sits on his, eats hers so she can't have either of them. BRAT! haha I am so amazed but each animals personality.

We then moved on to the two cheetah brothers. Quaman, his name which means Grumpy man, comes up to the fence and hisses and pounces. His little brother joins. What a site it was watching them pounce and hiss. Rian says that their previous owners were not nice to them. Normally that wouldn't happen, the hissing and pouncing, but since their previous owners were cruel to them, they act this way. Really sad, but I have to say it was quite entertaining for me.

The 3 lion "cubs," they call them cubs because they are younger, but their size suggests otherwise. They each get a Kudu leg. Fresh kudu legs. One picks hers up and takes it away from the others, smart girl. They others sit near each other nicely. One gets up just for a second because she sees something, and the other snatches her leg and sits on it. After a bit of tussle, the lioness who walked away was able to reclaim her lunch. These cats won't eat for another 5 days. They try to feed them like they would eat in the wild. It was really cool to watch.

The rest of the time I was with my precious boy. (Im sorry again if you have a weak stomach) My poor boy continues to have diarrhea. And I don't just mean every once in a while. CONSTANTLY. So we are constantly picking it up and cleaning his bum. I wish they made rhino diapers. He is so gassy. A smell I have never smelled in my life. I can handle a lot of things, but this poo is something else. peeeee yewww! Rank! Arrie says he has the worst farts he has ever smelled! haha That means something! We are trying him on a few more things to get his stomach settled. Electrolights and everything. We have called his vets and they have no fresh ideas. So we are waiting it out. Poor boy...and poor us. haha it is all worth it though when he whines until you come lay down with him. Last night he just wanted to suckle on my fingers. They suckling action calms them down. I had to hold my hand in his mouth until he was sound asleep. Then I was able to have my fingers back. He is the sweetest thing on this planet.

It is like a baby. He cries and you don't know whats wrong. You try everything to try to make him happy. Yesterday he urinated on his mat in this room, so I set it outside to dry. That night we are in his room and he's crying. I try his bottle, nope. I thought maybe it was his stomach, but I put his mat down with a nice comfy blanket. He lays right down and stops crying. He just wanted to be comfy. Alana stays at a training school. She had come originally with a class from school to stay there. They all left but she stayed to care for the baby. I went over to the camp on my night off. Went on a nice sunset drive with the new trainees. It was beautiful. When we got back, JP, who is a leader at the school and is really close with Alana was talking to us. He put things in a perspective I never thought of. He said this experience will change our lives. We came here, and became mommies. Constant care for a helpless sick baby. We learned how to live for something other than ourselves. These words are so true. This little creature is so special. I mean Alana and I joke all the time that he's our baby. We say that I am the fun one and she's the one who takes things from him, but he will come to her when he has problem and will come to me when he wants to hang out with friends on a school night. haha but it never really hit me this way. We have been his caregiver, his replacement mommy. He needs us. The way he was nudging me to sit by him and suckle my fingers just so he can be comfortable and relaxed. The way he will come and lay down next to us and put his head on our lap. The sweet sweet kisses he gives with his cute little lips. This little rhino doesn't know how much he has touched our hearts, my heart.

I can't wait to show you pictures of him. As soon as I can you better believe they will be up! Oh, and his bum is actually looking really good. His stitches are still in and nothing is inflamed. That part of him is doing really well. We just need to get him wittle tummy back to normal. Hope you all are well and I will post soon. Miss you and love you all!


Some photos may not be suitable for some viewers, viewers discretion is advised

                                                     White Rhino Bull on the Reserve
                                            White Rhino Bull Drinking Water
                                                         Gorgeous View
                                                          The Matriarch- Head Lady
                                                                      Baby Elephant
                                                Elephant Fight

                                                           Hey Meghan look! Its you!!
                                                                    Lion's Lunch

                                                                     Ma Pim Pan

                                                The blood that filled the truck bed
                                               The head lion on the reserve

Monday, July 9, 2012

Amazing Drive

Hello all!! I hope you are all well. Here in South Africa, weather is nice, in the afternoon. Mornings and evenings are a bit cold but when the sun is out it is heavenly. Mr. Rhino agrees. Now, as I am trying to type this, he is having a sample taste of apple... apple computer. Silly boy, so curious.

He has had a rough few days with massive diarrhea. Black Rhinos have sensitive stomachs already, but his rare subspecies and specific diet that he is supposed to have makes it really difficult to satisfy his nit picky stomach. Because of the prolapse it is really hard to give him the right diet for is colic, and because of his colic its hard to treat the prolapse. Today he is being much better. No diarrhea yet...touch wood (which is what they say instead of our "knock on wood")

He loves attention and is spoiled rotten. Yesterday morning, after my night shift, it was time for his breakfast at about 7. It was particularly cold that morning. I called him out to come get it...he stood in the door and whined. When I came to him he sniffed the bottle and went back inside. He wouldn't take his milk until we were fully under the heat lamps. Brat. Smart brat that is. Today we sunbathed. I read while he slept with his heavy head on my lap. He is being so sweet today, giving tons of kisses. I love him to pieces.

The other day was Karen, the rhino expert's birthday. She didn't tell anyone...but Arrie knows all. We all surprised her with some leaker (nice) desserts. Cooksisters, very sugary sweets, milk pie, cinnamon custard pie, both very South African munchies, and cupcakes. All soooo good. Coffee, tea, and a nice sparkling fruit juice. She was very surprised.

Yesterday on Alana and I's day off, we went on a game drive. For 3 hours. We ran into the gorgeous White Rhino Bull, Wildebeast, Zebra, Warthog, and so many birds. Then we were looking for the Elephants. We couldn't find them...but after awhile we drove right on them. We first saw the one. Then saw the baby in the bushes, soon we say the other 8 huge elephants, ears up to give a warning headed toward us. SO we backed up a bit. haha. Keeping a close eye on us, they continued grazing. One youngster was really relaxed a rolled around. We were by a pond. Many drank and the young elephants blew a lot of bubbles. After about an hour of adoring them, they slowly started walking away. The 2 youngsters lagged behind. Playing nicely, but the play quickly turned to fighting. Amazing! They fought and fought, then the smaller one let out the famous elephant trumpet sound. They contunied fighting, but the grown-up elephants came running. The leader, the oldest female, got in between them. Keep in mind, now we a driving away. Once we saw all 8 mad females headed our way we took it as a que to get out. But we watched as the leader literally got in-between them like a mommy would between two kids fighting. Then they all stood around the bigger of the fighting youngsters and gave him the business. Truly a site to see.

We continued driving and came up on 2 huge giraffes eating from a tree, in the road. They didn't seemed bothered by us, since they didn't move. They stood there forever, but it was nice watching them. After they moved we continued on our way. We saw the "king" male lion sunbathing int the trees, more zebra, and a crocodile. I couldn't resist saying, "crocy, thats a big one. Lets go down and check him out," in my best Steve Erwin voice...which isn't very good. Alana has truly seen my crazy side, poor girl.

I have to say I miss my friends and family, but my time here has flown by. I can hardly believe it. Ok, Im off to go snuggle with my boy. I am also running out of battery. Ill post pictures later today when I get back to my room.

Cheers for now!

Friday, July 6, 2012

more pics

                                           Baby Rhino wanted to read too!