Monday, July 30, 2012

HIS BUM IS STILL IN!! So far so good. But he still hasn't taken a nice solid poo, so we will have to wait til then. That will be the moment of truth!

He's been a little stinker lately. Getting into everything! He keeps tearing down this covering to one of the snakes rooms. Ripping it straight  from the ceiling. He has been having a lot of fun with this big branch that is now in his enclosure. He loves picking it up with this horn and resting it on his head. Yesterday he had a field day with the hose. He used to have a salt lick in this enclosure but he was eating it a little too much so we took it out and just placed it right on the ground outside. That night was so funny. The giraffes found it. They loved it, but rhino was a little upset that he couldn't have it. So he would chase them all. He thinks he is so big and tough...behind his cage. The giraffes would run off but would come back. Rhino would walk off and wait until they came back, then he would stalk them. rhinos, they don't stalk, but I guess this little guy is confused. He put is head down, slowly would walk up, stop and hide behind this rock, then run at them. Oh man he had me in stitches. Such a cutie!

Rita and Sune came on saturday! It was so amazing to see them! They are just so great...hey Rita! haha But anyway, we had a really nice time with them. Riaan took us on a short game drive around to see the lions as well as Mike and NaNa the white rhino. It was a lot of fun! I miss them already and can't what to see them soon!!

My parents arrive in a few days and I can not wait! I am so excited to show them everything and everyone. It is going to be really nice having them here! I was told a few days ago that 2 of my baby duckies died. So sad! I didn't get to meet them, but at least there is still one! I can't wait to see it, and my sweet puppies!! and to see all my friends and family! Miss you all!!

Hope you all are enjoying the olympics!!



  1. Once again your post are special. Tried two times yesterday to publish my comments, maybe this third try will go through. Enjoyed breakfast with your parents and your greeting. Exciting days ahead!! Have a Blessed day, we love you. Meme & Pop

  2. Thanks meme and pop can't wait to see you soon!!
