Friday, July 20, 2012

New Post

Just had a good night with my sweet boy! Diarrhea free until this morning. I got a work out this morning and Yolandi got a great laugh as MR. Rhino got a burst of ....moment of distraction, dad, Stevie Ray Vaughan just started playing on my iTunes...ok sorry back to the post, the little guy got a burst of energy and decided he was going to chase me around his enclosure. While doing so he is having diarrhea and slinging it everywhere with his tail. I'm seriously laughing while typing this, it was so funny. He had a great time playing. I can move a little better than him by cutting corners quickly, if it wasn't for that...haha... my legs might have been more black and blue. A few times we would switch and I would chase him. When I would hit him on the back he would turn quickly and come right after me. It was just like a modified game of tag. It was a great time, "[He's] my sweet little thing, [He's] my pride and joy." -Stevie Ray Vaughan. It was truly comical. We both thought that maybe he had settled down, so Yolandi decided to go ahead and try to clean his bum...but he ran. haha He is such a stinker. He does this often, so when we try to clean his bum or apply local anesthetic he runs from us and its a game of chase. So are seen cent over chasing him around his enclosure either with a dripping sponge or a glove on and medicine following every where he goes. He would stop, and we would quickly lift his tail, then there he goes again. Many people may think that these creatures are not the smartest animals in the world, but I can't stress enough this boy is smart and becoming to smart for his own good. He is constantly trying to chew on the shade cloth on the ground in this one spot. We put his water jug over it and he has now figured out how to move this water jug just enough so he can get that piece of cloth. He has such the personality.

The plan today was to remove the stitches, but like many times, plans have changed. Hopefully they will be removed next week. Things need to be just right. Please keep the little guy in your thoughts and prayers. We really don't want to be forced to have to do surgery. Pray his bum heals and once those sutures come out it STAYS IN!!!!!

Random funny story: Viewer's Discretion is Advised! They other day Rian came and picked me up. As I see him pulling up with the objects in the back of the vehicle which are coming into view. It was piles of dead, headless, and some skinned animals. Yes, it was rank. He had a wide smile on his face as he pulled in, because I'm sure my facial expression was priceless. I had to hold my hair because the wind as we were driving would have caused in to take a visit to the dead animal behind me. Rian had to lean up while driving due to one near his seat. I asked, "so whats all back there," his response still makes me laugh, "well the guy staring at me know..." well it wasn't really staring...since it had no head. HAHAHAHAHA it was so funny because its cut open neck was like right next to him. You really just had to be there. I told the story to Marietjie and others...I guess you had to be and really see it. Meghan, there was no precious Zebra!

I went in early yesterday and spent a lot of time with Marietjie. Let me just tell you these people here are truly fantastic. I wish I could bring them all home with me.

Well more news...I am staying a week longer. I now fly out August 9th. Please pass this message to Emily that she better not have that child until I get home. No if or buts about it. The reason I am staying longer is due to the fact...well there are many reasons...I don't want to leave these wonderful God sent people, I don't want to leave my precious rhino, and lastly the launch for the orphanage is coming up and I must be there, Pete said. I typed that in my best English accent so please read it as so. In all seriousness, my baby will be a star. There will be tons of media there and rich people. It will be quite the event with the whole world they have been this entire time, but this time they will actually be there, recording. Pete had asked me to speak. A 10 minute presentation along with Arrie, the orphanage owner, and Karen Trindler (Google her) the rhino expert that I have been working with. Oh geez was my response. I will be representing my little rhino and sharing my experience as an American coming here knowing very minimal about rhinos and poaching in general and how I have grown and my life changing experience. What's also really great news is that my parents are coming! YAY! They get to meet everyone, including the love of my life...that happens to be a rhino. I can't wait for them to get here!

Thank you all! I have discovered that posting the pictures are sucking me dry of internet so I am going to save it for after the launch when I can post pictures of the precious rhino!



  1. Great post, as usual. Sounds like the Rhino "'House is Rockin'"-SRV. Can't wait to meet all, especially the little fella. (but I am not cleaning his bum...your job.....your "gross tolerance" must have been a latent gene you picked up from your Moms side) See you in a couple of weeks.

  2. Wow !!!!! Yay!!!!! Hooray !!!!! Just let us know when this will be aired!!!!! About cleaning bums, yes that is a Mommies job, I've done a few, not too many did I have to chase, however Briley likes to stay busy during the changing. Trying to teach her that she can play after counting 1 - 2 - 3 - very slowly. Have a blessed day, prayers for all. Love, Meme & Pop

  3. DAD-yeah definitely rockin haha and yeah I must have. And MEME is right I think its woman thing for sure! Cant wait to see you soon!

    MEME&POP-I will for sure tell you when it will air, but oh silly Briley! Such a silly girl! Thank you!!
