Friday, July 6, 2012


The last few days have been good. During night shift, I could hear the lions roar! It was so cool! They are so loud and majestic. I couldn't believe it when I heard it! They roar like that all the time. So cool to hear! I went around to see them again the other day to take a few pictures. They are breathtaking. The few white lions that they have are just so special. The reason they are so rare is the fact that in the wild they can't camouflage as easy as the others to hunt. So many times they go without food. These have the most amazing eyes.

There are 3 "teenager" lions in their own enclosure. As I was walking I saw one crouch down. She was hunting me. haha. The others came to help. I must of smelled delicious.  I set my jacket down next to the enclosure... the lion decided she wanted it. Luckily I pulled it away just in time. haha. When I was walking I came up on the "family" of giraffe that roam free. So stinking cool! There is bull who is so old his "spots" have gotten so dark over the years.

Yesterday my sewing skills came in handy. We have shade cloth coving the ground in the rhino's enclosure so he won't eat his favorite snack...sand. He has found the few spots where it lifts up and he can lick the sand underneath. So yesterday I sewed them all together. Mr. Rhino didn't really care for me doing that. He tried ramming me at first, sometimes pinning me to the ground.  Silly rhino. After a while he went for a different approach. He came up, laid by me and laid his head where I was stitching. haha. Arrie said that he was watching so he knows how to unsew it later. haha He got up after a while. I moved to another spot, there he stepped up his game, He came and laid down and put his head on my lap....impossible. I couldn't see what I was stitching. It worked. I stopped sewing and loved on him. I ended up falling asleep. Just me and him, sleeping in the sun. I didn't even hear Karen and Arrie walk up. haha He would have stayed there if his tummy wouldn't of acted up...spoiled rotten boy.

The day before, after my night shift we went to town, Edwin (arrie's nephew), Alana, and I to run errands. Went to a sad. It was nice to get out a bit.

Many people have been asking my mom what I have been eating. Well, Arrie's wife, (who is fantastic) has bought groceries for me and even made me dinners to heat up later on. So amazing. But I have become addicted to Coffee. Never thought I would ever say that.  Also, peanut butter and nutella sandwiches. TO DIE FOR!! haha. Here they eat a lot of toasted sandwiches. They are served everywhere. They are good as well. From toasted cheese and tomato to bacon egg and cheese. So good. I cooked spaghetti the other day for me and was ok. I burned the meat a little but I think it was a pretty good attempt. Their soda here is way better than ours. I don't know why, but I looked on the ingredients and they don't have high fructose corn syrup. Maybe that is it.
They also have a difference between pancakes and flapjacks. Flapjacks are for breakfast. One of my friends at the animal hospital made us some...delicious. They put butter, shredded cheddar cheese, and syrup. Sounds gross right...nope! Delicious! The pancakes are thin and for dessert. With cinnamon sugar on it! Seriously amazing. They also eat a lot of meat here. There are meat pies that are pretty good too. I  can't think of all the food I've eaten but so far its all really good.  Well pete did try to set me on fire one night. He fixed me curry chicken. Seriously I was sweating. He started laughing and gave me yogurt to put in actually settled it a bit. haha Not much though. They also put bbq sauce on their hamburgers. Maybe people back home do that but I haven't and it was really good.

There has been many fires on the farm. They think its arsen. There are many workers on strike on the road and they believe that maybe they are starting the fires. (they want a 30% increase) crazy right!
Ok I will post soon! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

Few prayer requests:
Arrie and his wife-management and health issues
Rhino-of course
Sunai and her family-father battling health issues
Rian-a cracked his ribs badly from a buffalo


  1. So happy to hear from you, was afraid Boy wasn't doing good but he sounds like he's full of mischief. Pictures amazing. I'm glad to hear they have peanut butter. Remembering you and your prayer request. All our love, Meme & Pop

  2. Thanks meme and pop! It means a lot! and yeah he's doing better just some tummy troubles. It is so easy to irritate. The slightest thing gives hime diarrhea! poor baby! but thank you and yes I am SO happy they have peanut butter! haha
