Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hello All!

On Saturday Edwin left to go back to school and Karen returned from many rhino workshops. The rhino and I had a great day. He became really playful at one point and chased and chased me. Luckily this time poo wasn't being flung everywhere. We both got some good exercise. It is really great sitting there when all of a sudden Nyalla, Giraffe, and Warthog come up. During other seasons, they don't come up as much, but since its cold and dry the plants are not growing as much so they come up looking for more. The giraffe really crack me up. They are so curious. They  stand so still and just stare...and stare...and stare. Every once in a while rhino boy will run up, ears alert, staring right back. Too cute. It was also adorable as one huge giraffe is standing there staring at me, this very small baby nyalla is looking up at the giraffe like what in the world is wrong with this nyallas neck. Its just so precious.

A big group came by to see the rhino. Normally people are not allowed to come see him, but when I saw Arrie with them I knew it was ok. They were really great and sweet people. Really interested in the rhino. One woman cried as she walked away. Really nice people.

Sunday was another good day. He had a more firmer poo. We were so excited. Yolande and I laughed about how excited we got over poo. We played a lot and he got into a lot of things. I feel like maybe he's feeling a bit better because he is going constantly during the day and trying to get into everything. From chewing on the shade cloth to trying to find sand...which he always does...stinker. He has abscesses around his neck and are starting to spread to his back. They are a little nerve racking.

Monday Pierre, one of the vets, came by to take a look at the abscesses on mr. rhino. He believes that it started as a allergic reaction to one of his medications and then later became a bacteria and spread. Yesterday Alana and I were sitting with him talking and we hear the monkeys. They were coming into the rhino enclosure. We come out of his little room and see they have us surrounded. They were planning an attack, but we caught them. haha These monkeys are so naughty and curious. Alana and I were quite entertained chasing them off.

Tonight I have the night shift and tomorrow is the BIG DAY! Wednesday is the day that the sutures come out. We are so nervous, if his rectum comes out we are back to the beginning. So please keep the vet, and his posse that will be here, us and especially him in your thoughts and prayers.

I am also soooo excited for this weekend because Rita and Sune will be coming for one night! They are friends that we made at the animal hospital. I miss them so much and can't wait to see them and spend some time with them! Like I have said many times, the people here are truly amazing. So thoughtful and caring and a lot of fun. It is going to be hard leaving them. I am also excited for my parents to be here. It has been really funny because I have been asking everyone if there is anything that they want from the States. Some have said shampoo, others sweets that Alana and I have been talking about, but the one that took me off guard and still makes me laugh came from Pete. As soon as I asked he said COWBOY BOOTS! haha He has been searching for some and they are so expensive here. So stinking funny, so he is searching for the perfect ones. Man I am going to miss these people.

I do miss home. My ducks had babies everyone!!!! I am a grandma! haha 3 beautiful baby duckies! I am real sad that I have not gotten to meet them yet but they hatched! Also, my mom sends me pictures and videos of my baby girl Emma. One she sent when she had to go to the vet and I was sitting in the room with rhino, Alana and edwin, and I started tearing up. haha They thought I was so silly, but jeez it my Emma! and daisy was so cute and then hearing my moms voice, which I have not heard in so long just hit me. I also miss my friends and all of my family. I feel like I have been gone for soooo long. I am having a great time here but really can't wait to see everyone.

Love you all!



  1. Extra prayers for boy, vets and all concerned. With all your activity, you don't need to work-out at a gym. Would you like for me to make some caps and send with your parents? Prayers and Love, Meme & Pop

  2. Okay, made me cry at this one. But, you will never know how much I needed that today. I Love you and can't wait to see and hear you EVERYDAY! I loved our 5 minute Skype conversation this morning, wish it could have been longer. But just a little more than a week and I get to see you. Enjoy Mr. Rhino tonight. Loved your story!

  3. MEME and POP- IF you want to make some caps then I am sure they would all love them very much! and your right I am doing a lot of running with him but I am making it up by eating...a lot! haha

    Mom- sorry for making you cry!! haha and I enjoyed the short convo too and can't wait to do it in person!

    Love you all!!
